Apr 22, 2020


Growing Lasting Change

Since the first official Earth Day on April 22, 1970, billions of people around the world have taken part in locally sponsored service and global initiatives. And 50 years later, the spirit of active civic engagement toward protecting the planet is very much alive and well.

As we strive to think and act both locally and globally, the USANA Foundation has partnered with 100 Humanitarians International to build garden tower systems in Bomet, Kenya. 100 Humanitarians works to create “sustainable projects that support communities and preserve the culture of indigenous tribes.” As of early March 2020, 26 garden towers have been completed and are yielding enough vegetables to contribute to at least one meal per week.

Sustainable projects like this make a lasting impact by both providing fresh vegetables for families, while also helping them to raise money by selling extra vegetables at the market. But not every effort has to be a global one to make a difference on Earth Day.

There are many ways you can have a positive environmental impact in your community, most of which are incredibly easy.


Enjoy a bike ride

How will you enjoy Earth Day?

  • Get outside to enjoy nature
  • Don’t idle your car
  • Conserve energy around the house by turning off lights when you leave a room
  • Plant a garden
  • Collect rainwater to water your garden
  • Compost to make your own fertilizer
  • Ride your bike or carpool whenever you can
  • Go paperless
  • Recycle old cellphones and electronics instead of throwing them away
  • Shop locally grown produce


Buying local produce

Contribute Today

For more information about Earth Day, including tips on how to be more environmentally conscious, visit the Earth Day Network’s online resources.

And if you would like to get involved with the USANA Foundation’s continuing partnership with organizations like 100 Humanitarians, reach out to us for service opportunities or to donate. One hundred percent of all donations made to the Foundation go toward changing the lives of those most in need around the world.


Remember, 100% of all donations made to the USANA Foundation always go to change the lives of those most in need around the world.